
We will help simplify the process of finding your new home

With you, every step of the way

At Acre House Properties we understand that searching for a property to rent and moving into a new home can be stressful, but we’re here to guide you every step of the way. We’ll sit down with you and walk you through the process, assist you with making an offer and agreeing the terms of your tenancy with the landlord.

Soon after, you will then go through a series of referencing checks with our chosen Tenant Referencing Company who have a team dedicated to ensuring that all checks are completed as soon as possible so that your new tenancy can be confirmed.

We’ve simplified the process for you

Once your referencing is complete we will then issue you with your tenancy agreement, which you can review and even sign remotely, prior to the start date of your tenancy. This is the time to celebrate the move into your new home which may also be a move to a new city. We recognise what a big deal this is for you and that’s why we’re here to help.

We try to cater to all housing needs..

The social housing arm of our agency helps clients to make winning applications to multiple councils and housing associations around the UK.

We are given allocation slots by social landlords and are contracted to fill them with eligible clients who are either suffering from health conditions, overcrowded living or on a low income.

Whether you are a social housing tenant who is looking for a mutual exchange or you’re trying to get your foot in the door as a new applicant, our consultancy services can get you into the right home at below market prices.

If you believe that you may be eligible for this service, Fill out this form and we will get back to you within 24 hours

Request a valuation

By submitting this form, you agree that we may contact you about your enquiry using the details you have provided.

    Your name

    Your email

    Your telephone

    Address of property to be valued

    Preferred date

    Preferred time of day

    No PreferenceMorningAfternoon

    Other requirements